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Joanne 柔安/ 9M 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

First of all, they are too yount to understand how important studying would be in their life time, especially when they turn to old enough to work in society. Secondly, there's too much temptation in daily life, such as computer games, TV programs, or other thing more interesting than studying. Third, there are too much tests to make them like books or textbooks. (However, it's hard to measure how much them have learn and how much they understand. On the other hand, there are others that would forget all of the stuff after a test.)
As for me, I don't like math. I admit that I should have studied math harder. Nevertheless, I was very happy when I found that I didn't have to study math when I was a member of the Department of Applied English. XD...(Math always cheer my average grades down and down...NOT up ...>"<...>If you get a high grade in school, it might be nothing in your future. After I had my first job, I realized that study may be hard, but not as hard as other work, no matter you like or don't.
I don't know why, the pressure of work, perhaps.
OK, now it's your turn. Please tell me how to make student like studying.

Joanne 柔安/ 9M 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

可愛的醬油瓶 要小心拿~~ 猜猜這是裝甚麼的?裡面是哇沙比喔! 很漂亮的綠色~~~ 蝦子手卷登場 蝦子手卷近照 猜猜這是裝甚麼的??? 是茶碗蒸~~~ 半烤鮭魚握壽司 第一次吃到這樣的做法,很新鮮 同時有生魚片跟烤魚的口感 重點~~海鮮火鍋登場 難得吃到的海膽 很新鮮喔 都沒有腥味 蛋捲壽司 旋轉壽司的蛋捲壽司娃娃 這個超好吃的~~~竹筒飯 竹筒飯近照 很嫩的帆立貝握壽司 今天難得終於輪到我們家去吃好吃的了!


Joanne 柔安/ 9M 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()



Joanne 柔安/ 9M 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()




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